Main Menu

The main menu contains important functions like saving and loading projects, exporting effects and controlling the effect playback.

File Menu

New Project...Create a new project, replacing the current one.
Open Project...Load a project from file.
Add Project...Add objects of another effect to the current project.
SaveSave the project.
Save As...Save the project under a new filename.
Render...Open the render dialog to render and export effects.
Preferences...Open the preference dialog to modify global settings.
CloseClose the application.

Edit Menu

UndoUndo the last action.
RedoRedo a previously undone action.
VisibleShow/hide the selected object.
RemoveRemove the selected object.
DuplicateClone the selected object.
Add Sub-EmitterAdd a new particle emitter as a sub-emitter of the selected particle type.
Add EmitterAdd a new particle emitter.
Add Particle TypeAdd a new particle type to the selected emitter.
Add Force FieldAdd a new force field to the scene.
Add ColliderAdd a new collider to the scene (only 2D).
3D EffectChange whether the effect is a 3D or 2D effect.

Simulation Menu

PlayResume the effect playback.
PausePause the effect playback.
RestartRestart the effect playback.
DurationSet the duration of the effect. The simulation restarts automatically after that time has passed.
PlaybackSet the playback speed.

View Menu

Zoom InZoom in by 10% (only 2D).
Zoom OutZoom out by 10% (only 2D).
Reset ViewReset zoom to 100% and move the camera back to the scene origin.
Fit to FrameFit the effect into the field of view.
CameraChange properties of the virtual camera.
ResolutionChange the image resolution.
BackgroundChange the background color.
LayoutSelect layout of the user interface from a set of predefined layouts.
ShowToggle what is shown for the active effect, like the background color or the debug overlay.

Help Menu

Documentation...Open the documentation.
About...Show information about the application.