Light Sources

Light sources illuminate the effect and can be used to model phenomena like sunlight, lamps and torches. Particles with a material that has lighting enabled (for example built-in materials with the suffix Lit) are shaded by light from light sources in the scene. You can place light sources using the object browser.


Light sources created in Pixelpart are only applied when rendering effects inside Pixelpart. Game engine plugins always use the light sources defined in the engine to apply lighting to effects.

Scene: Light source

Types of light sources

Directional light

Direction lights mimic light sources that are very far away and consequently contain light rays of almost parallel direction. Such light sources are useful to simulate sunlight, for example. Note that their position in the scene does not matter and they can be placed anywhere.

Point light

Point lights are used to model light coming from a single point emitting light in all directions.

Spot light

Spot lights are similar to point lights but emitted light is restricted into a cone shape.


The following properties can be adjusted in the property window to influence the appearance and behavior of light sources.





Time period during which the light source is active. If Repeat is selected, the light source stays active.


Type of the light source.

[Directional, Spot] Direction

Direction in which the light shines.

[Point, Spot] Range

In which radius the light source emits light.

[Point, Spot] Attenuation

How quickly the light looses intensity on the way to its outer radius.

[Spot] Spot angle

Width of the light cone.

[Spot] Spot angle attenuation

How much the light looses intensity near the edge of the light cone.





Color of the light emitted by the light source.


How strongly the light shines.





Position of the light source. You can also specify a motion path along which the light source travels over its lifetime. It is shown in the scene view if the property is selected.