Particle Types

Particle types define the appearance and behavior of particles. In the object browser, they are always child nodes of particle emitters.

Scene: Particle type

Particle renderers

There are three distinct types of particles, which determines how they are rendered.

Sprite particle

The sprite renderer renders each particle as a separate sprite.

Trail particle

The trail renderer generates continuous trails along the path of particles with the same parent particle. You can set details of the trail mesh generation in the additional settings next to the renderer property.

Mesh particle

The mesh renderer renders each particles as a three-dimensional mesh. You can change which mesh is used in the additional settings next to the renderer property.


The following properties can be adjusted in the property window to influence the look and behavior of the particles.





How long particles exist after being spawned by their emitter.

Lifespan variance

How much the lifespan varies between particles.


How many particles of this type are spawned by the emitter.





Material that particles use for rendering. The parameters of the active material can be accessed with . See particle materials for details.


Which renderer is used for drawing the particles. Click to show additional options for each renderer.


Layer the particles are drawn on. Particles on upper layers occlude those on lower layers.


Color of each particle over its lifetime, displayed as a color gradient. Double-click or right-click the color gradient to add another color. Double-clicking a color marker lets you choose its color, right-clicking removes it. To change the position of color markers, drag them around using the mouse.

Color variance

How much the color varies between particles.

Initial opacity

Opacity of each particle when created.


Opacity of each particle over its lifetime as a fraction of its initial opacity.

Opacity variance

How much the opacity varies between particles.

Initial size

Size of each particle when created.


Size of each particle over its lifetime as a fraction of its initial size.

Size variance

How much the size varies between particles.


How much particles are stretched based on their speed.





Motion path for particles. It is shown in the scene view if the property is selected.

Motion path force

How much particles are influenced by the motion path. Set to 0 to disable motion paths.

Initial velocity

How fast each particle is initially after being spawned by the emitter.

Inherited velocity

How much speed particles inherit from the parent particle or emitter.

Velocity variance

How much the speed varies between particles.


Linear acceleration applied to each particle over its lifetime. Positive values speed up particles, while negative values slow them down.

Radial acceleration

Acceleration of each particle towards the emitter over its lifetime. If you select negative values here, particles are repelled from the emitter.

Alignment mode

The direction to which particles are aligned:
  • None: Particles do not align to anything.

  • Camera: Particles always face the camera (3D).

  • Motion: Particles align to their own velocity vector.

  • Emission direction: Particles face their emitter.

  • Emitter: Particles copy the rotation of their emitter.

Rotation mode

Whether the rotation property represents the exact rotation of particles or their angular velocity.

Initial rotation

Rotation of each particle when created, in degrees. For 3D effects, rotation is composed of roll, yaw and pitch.


How particles rotate over time from their initial rotation.

Rotation variance

How much the rotation varies between particles.

Angular velocity variance

How much the angular velocity varies between particles.

Rotation by speed

How much particles rotate based on their velocity.


Center of rotation, relative to the particle’s center.




Physical size

The relative size of particles for motion and collision calculations.


How strongly particles are affected by force fields.


How much particles bounce back from colliders.


How resistant particles are to sliding down colliders.